Announcing the Kindle Fire Winner of Mojo’s Thanksgiving Contest

Front of the Pack

We want to thank everyone that participated in our Thanksgiving Contest. The responses we received were so wonderful and heart-felt,  we had a hard time holding back the tears.  We selected a winner at random, and are happy to congratulate Scott Harris, the winner of this year’s Thanksgiving Contest.  Scott shared that he was thankful for the following:

“After a couple of years hoping from job to job, I am thankful to have landed at what is arguably my best job ever. My commute is longer but it gives me time to read and the work is what I would be doing if I did not have to work.”

Congratulations on both finding a great job and winning a Kindle Fire, Scott!

We were touched by many of the things people shared with us and wanted to share a few of our favorites:

“This year I’m thankful that I have a job, and that my co workers are just like family. I wouldn’t have made it though the year without them, in more ways than one! Bless each and everyone them.”  – Monica
“I am thankful that even though things may be hard financially for most people that we as a family have enough and some to share with those in need!”  – Sharon

“I’m thankful for finally finding the one woman out there that will love me unconditionally.”  -Brian
“I am thankful for my granddaughters (6 & 8) who have re-introduced me to the insanity of Bugs Bunny and the Roadrunner, and trashing the kitchen while making cookies, and for my grandson (11), who has reminded me of the simple joy of an hour spent tossing a football back and forth in the back yard. They are keeping me young.”  – Russell
“I’m thankful that I get to spend another Thanksgiving with my family.”  – Phyllis

Happy Thanksgiving from Mojo Helpdesk.

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